I seem to have lost my steam with the craft projects. I think part of it is that I have a lot of knitting projects that require my attention so I can't knit when I usually do which is while I am watching a movie or something and I have been spending my Fridays with the boy rather than going to knit nights. I started working on the blanket of many colors again as that is something mindless that I can do while watching television. I am debating whether or not I just want to finish the present skein of yarn or add one more to it. It is really long but not very wide. It is endlessly pet-able though which was its original purpose.
However, after visiting my favorite knitting store yesterday while my mom was in town visiting (that place really is shangri-la to me) I was inspired to get my projects off their needles and cast on something new. So I finished the first of my slippers and started working on the last part before the toe decrease on the second of my bulky socks. I was also somewhat frustrated by the general lack of organization in my yarn stash so I went through all my stuff and updated my ravelry stash to reflect it. And I think I want to make some wrist warmers out of the beautiful yarn my mother bought me yesterday so I have to get other stuff done before I can start those. I also need to stop purchasing yarn and start using what I have to finish the projects currently in my cue - socks for the boy, more dishtowels, flower wash cloths, some more baby socks out of my leftover sock yarn for the multitude of newborns amongst my general acquaintances, etc. I really want to try the February Lady Sweater at some point and doing so means I need to get my other projects done.
I have also delayed the wedding planning entirely too long so I have been working on that a bit too. I am slowly gathering all the materials for my bouquets and I had the first meeting regarding menu planning. There is a lot to do but I think we can get it done. Oh and my fiance's vest - I MUST START WORKING ON THAT!!!
And as a fun bit of nonsense I picked up a couple kits below that I thought might be fun. I really enjoyed them and want to get the rest of the series. I think they will look really nice on my tree this year: