Wednesday, December 14, 2011


The first book I picked up in my "books I want to read" whirlwind (what Algrebra?) was Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick. It is a young adult novel which contained two stories, one illustrated and one written, that become woven together later on. It was a lovely read. I love how unique this type of storytelling is, and the way the stories are told adds something to the experience. One of the characters is deaf so seeing her story rather than being told her story really brings the character to life. I loved the illustrations. It was the type of illustration I was always drawn to as a child, and I find comforting as an adult. I thoroughly enjoyed the experience.

Sunday, December 11, 2011


Finals this week so I am not done yet. In fact, I still have quite a lot of work to do before next Friday. But, I am done with the reading! I love to read so I am not complaining that I had to read this semester. I just miss reading books that I choose. My winter break queue is a little unrealistic, but I can't wait to dive in. There hasn't been much string or books for the last few months, so I am looking forward to getting to make some me choices again. Of course, I also have a laundry list of things that I need to get done now that school isn't sucking up all my time, but hopefully I will get to read at least one of my collections or maybe finish a pair of socks. YAY! Ok, now that is out of my system, back to the homework. *sigh*